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Pilot project: Reuse of abandoned tailings from “Los Rosales” in Peru

By 6 June, 2022 No Comments

Pilot project: Reuse of abandoned tailings from “Los Rosales” in Peru

Since January 2021, the BGR and the Dresden Ground Water Research Center (DGFZ) have been cooperating with Los Rosales S.A., aiming towards a successful transfer of technology and innovation in the management of Mining Liabilities and the reuse of mining waste. The plant processes historical tailings and has committed itself to the mine closure in accordance with current technical standards in order to avoid environmental contamination.

The main areas of work include the technical assistance to identify efficiency improvements in the reprocessing of the abandoned tailings, water management and monitoring through the installation of groundwater measurement points by the DGFZ and the analysis of acid mine drainage potential to evaluate risks and long-term change in chemical stability.

The Los Rosales case is a good example of how cost-effective reuse of abandoned tailings can reduce their impact, eliminating a mining legacy and improving the socio-economic development of the region.


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